Scottish Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement
If the lessor terminates the tenant, he must indicate the reasons for the eviction and indicate the reasons why he considers that this ground for eviction applies. Edinburgh City Council has a short-term contract on its website if you want to see an example of what it looks like. A short-term lease is a special type of secured lease. It allows the owner to repossess the rented property. It allows the tenant to request a set of rents from a rent assessment committee. Short leases must last at least 6 months. A lessor must make available to the tenant an AT5 communication attesting that the lease offered is a short and guaranteed rental contract. The AT5 must be given before signing a lease. If, at the end of a short-distance rental agreement, the owner offers the same tenant another guaranteed short lease of the same property, no further AT5 indication is necessary.
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