Rto Auspice Agreement
11 3C: Checklist Responsibilities of the parties when purchasing vocational training programs 3C Page 1 of 1 COPY BEFORE USE Complete a checklist for each program. Schools must enter into written agreements with NGOs to acquire vocational training programmes. Use model 1E or 1F to enter into a written agreement with a national or non-national RTO. School 1 Ensure that both parties enter into and sign the corresponding sales contract, with the program agreements included in the contractual plans. 2 Generate a local order and add a copy of the sales contract. 3 Organize the parental consent diploma/facilitators for each student to follow the vocational training program. 4 Support RTO`s due diligence actions, including notification of known student absences. 5 Provide information on any problems found affecting a student`s ability to participate in the training programme or presenting a significant risk. This information is provided and is to be processed by the RTO in accordance with the South African Government`s guidelines for the exchange of information, while respecting the confidentiality of the information. 6 Student case management to support successful professional training.
7 Inform the RTO in a timely manner of concerns, problems or opportunities related to the services provided, recognizing and considering the RTO`s professional advice. 8 Compliance with the aforementioned training costs (if applicable by the completion of FIN 21A) after receipt of a tax invoice. RTO Registered Training Provider 9 Provide, assess and assess competences as part of the professional qualification referred to in Annex 1 in accordance with the requirements of the National Registration Standards (formerly AQTF). 10 Provide an indication of students` ability to successfully complete the training program and, if necessary, consult strategies to assist students (e.g.B. Reading, Alp). 11 Discipline students during training, including the right to distance for violation of discipline/safety standards. Inform the school before a student leaves the website and provide a written report to support the action. 12 Regular communication (e.g. B weekly) on the presence and participation of pupils.
13 Provide students and schools with official documents and notifications on student performance in accordance with national registration standards (performance certificates) in order to take into account the school/sace`s reporting obligations. 14 Any additional requirements arising from the training program to be agreed upon in the written contract, for example. B industrial traineeships. The RTO and School 15 Make sure that all participants comply with the rules and legal requirements set for each organization for participation.. . . .
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