Oklahoma Pharmacist Collaborative Practice Agreement
Oklahoma pharmacists managed to get the authorization for CDTM, but they did so without using the term. It all started with a legal issue when the state attorney general warned that if the definition of “manage” was not included in the state statutes, pharmacists would not be able to advise patients on inhaler use, patching, insulin injection, etc. Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania pass laws that allow pharmacists to start and modify drug therapy Like their colleagues in Pennsylvania, Maryland R.Ph.s fought a long battle before getting their bill from the legislature. The bill has met with good opposition, particularly from the state medical society. However, unlike Pennsylvania, Maryland has been granted CDTM privileges for community pharmacists. However, pharmacists must either use a pharm.D. or equivalent training, and there are very specific requirements for protocol and accreditation standards. Experience in service development: Our outpatient clinical pharmacists have experience in developing, implementing and maintaining clinical services in several large health systems. Our portfolio includes integrated and centralized CMM services, transition clinics, annual wellness services, anticoagulation clinics and diabetes management services. The latter two have a track record of 20 years. Highly qualified pharmacist providers: Our outpatient faculties have obtained a doctorate in pharmacy, have undergon training as a clinical specialist doctor and have obtained board certification as pharmacotherapy specialists or ambulatory care pharmacists. Many are also certified diabetes educators. Krenk believes the community pharmacy entrepreneur will use the new MDP law.
“There are also a few innovative pharmacists chained together,” he said. As a maui Clinic Pharmacy holder, Krenk can benefit from the good collaboration with the doctors at his clinic. “We`re interested in starting something with blood thinners,” he said. Connecticut has a similar strategy. By limiting CDMs to inpatients, pharmacists have been able to make the bill more attractive to doctors and legislators in this state. The Connecticut CDTM also includes protocol-based practice. To the delight of pharmacists, collaborative practical laws have recently been passed in a flood of states. Laws that allow pharmacists to initiate or modify drug treatment in protocol with physicians have been passed in Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania. However, he found that many R.Ph.S.
hospitals already participate in the CDTM, which under the new law includes drug therapy protocols approved by the hospital`s P&T committees. “We`ve already done it,” he said. “The law is a confirmation of a practice that was already in place across the country.” He expects the law to have the greatest impact in hospitals that do not yet have such protocols. “We will definitely come back to this session to ask that it be extended to long-term care and community medicine settings,” said Margherita Giuliano, R.Ph., executive director of the Connecticut Pharmacists Association. Pharmacists already have the support of the medical society to establish CDMs in long-term care facilities and they want to conduct pilot studies in community environments. . . .
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